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Laziness is something that many of us deal with each and everyday. You always come to a conclusion of postponing many of your plans every day and end up doing nothing. You may even be unable to make your bed,house or even do laundry. 
I will show you the main causes of laziness and the remedies to become an active you. so,what is this that we call laziness? 

laziness is the unwillingness to work or use energy.It can be in school or in your day to day lives. We first need know the causes of laziness before we can fight it.The following are the causes of laziness; 


1. Gadget addition

There are many ways we use our gadgets such phones,laptop and all other portable electronics in our everyday lives.
When the use of this gadgets exceeds the normal, it always leads to laziness and all your time will be spent on the precious gadgets.

Most of the modern teenagers and children have an attraction to gaming and chatting on their phones or visiting adult sites as a way of exploring their young lives. This gets into their minds and it may cause a full deviation in all their daily activities.
Many even spend almost the whole of the night on their phones and they never notice what that does to them.

There are several effects that come with this behaviour, this effects are;
    × visiting adult sites may cause them to start             searching for sexual satisfaction.
    × Depression may grow as part of them due to          trying to live like those they follow on the              net.
There are several things that can be done to counter this, follow the blog to the end and lets solve laziness.

2. Low self-esteem

I know you are asking yourself, how can low self-esteem cause laziness?
Good question and yes ,this is how;
When low self-esteem becomes part of you, laziness also follows along. You may find yourself always on your bed and only look at thing going the wrong way and all you say is 'i will work on this tomorrow'.
Postponing what you are supposed to do is a sign of laziness.

When you are not confident with yourself you won't ever believe in what you are capable of, but thoughts of what you can't do and images of disappointment will always flash through your head.
Studying will always be a problem because your mind and concentration will be elsewhere.
However this can be solved and be done away with, the secret remedy is at the end of the blog.

3. Excessive sleep

Sleep is very sweet and loved by everyone, but the honest trust is that its a disease if not controlled.
Sleep causes destruction to the daily activities of an individual. One may not be able to start an already made program on time and this may cause a delay of tasks planned for.
Being unable to do your tasks or not being able to do something right can be a sign of laziness.

Excessive sleep causes many in the world to have problems with their bosses at work or even get fired if lateness becomes a behaviour.
Those who study may face difficulties to attend classes and this may lead to a drop in their grades.

4. Wrong choice of friends

Everyone needs to be in the company of friends to avoid loneliness. But the type of friends you choose to be involved with you will cause alot of effect to your life.
Wrong influencial friends may always make you never to accomplish your dreams and desires. They will always lead you to their way of living.
This will lead you to becoming lazy because you will never think of what you can do but will always think of how you can please your friends.

Friends bring joy and laughter to one's life. Not having friends may cause a very boring life to an individual, make sure you have friends and the right ones.

5. Sleeping late

Watching movies at night or following your favourite show may make you forget to be time cautious and find yourself sleeping late.

Lack of proper sleep and getting up very late leads to the most common act of laziness.
Always make sure that what you watch allows you to follow your schedule. Sleeping late at night makes one not able to be active through the day but your body will seek proper rest all day long, this will cause inefficiency and even find yourself sleeping while performing your tasks.

However, if you have made a decision to say no to laziness and you are ready to start an active flow of life, there are several solutions that can solve this if adhered to.

The solutions to evade laziness and become active to the fullest are;

1. Make a schedule

Having plans on what you are supposed to do boosts your ability to manage time well and be at your best everyday.

Always put together your bucket list for the day and push yourself to tick every activity after its done. 
Never let the feeling that pushes you not to do what you want to do win, always be in control of yourself and tell yourself that you can do it.

2. Believe in yourself

Self confidence and a hyper self-esteem may bring alot of magic to your life.
Never look at any task as bigger than you but always magnify your confidence in everything that you do, believe that you have all the power to do it and not only to do it but to do it excellently.
Always wake up every morning and put a smile on your face, the only words and thoughts supposed to come from you is that you can do it.

Confidence is always key to conquer all.
Never lower yourself or look at yourself as less of a person, this is the mistake that many commit.

3. Always sleep early

A proper night sleep relaxes the mind and body.
When you sleep early, waking up will not be a problem and you will start your day very fresh in both mind and body which is a charm to a good and active day.
At night is when growth happens and when our bodies are able to build up.
Sleep leads to activeness and this is a proper fight to succumb laziness.

4. Exercise often

Exercise leads to a healthy and active body. When your body is active ,laziness will be a thing of the past.
Morning runs or even simple home workouts help alot in keeping fit.
Mental health is also boosted when one is committed to excercises.
A healthy mind ,an active you and bye to laziness.

5. Proper choice of friends

When you have the right people beside you in your daily activities of decision making and uplifting yourself, laziness can never be part of you.
Friends should always push you to becoming your best and help you to accomplish your dreams.
Real friends have each others backs and success always follow good and united friends

If you follow all this solutions to the letter, you will get a better and active you.
No one loves to be lazy and no one likes a lazy person, make the decision to become an active you and fit very well into the society.


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